While the global job market might be a bit slow, the job market in India is active and full of opportunities. Many young people are not planning their careers for long-term success, and this is something we’ve noticed. In the initial parts of a career, efforts like learning, working on projects, and investing time and money are required to develop the basic foundation required for long-term success.
Now a days, young engineering candidates feel that they will get good jobs and a good salary once they are out of college. So they join some crash course in software and put that in their CV, feeling as if the employer is waiting for them. But when these candidates are interviewed, it is seen that they do not have even the most basic knowledge, which they learned in school or in engineering. Due to social media in general, these young candidates are becoming victims of instant gratification and feel that they will get success instantly once they pass out. Really, what they have done in engineering and what they are doing now to develop their knowledge is a big question. But their expectations without their ability are very high. Once they fail in their interview, they blame their fate.

So, young people need to think about how they want to build their careers and develop their initial professional development plan. Note that it is not a shortcut plan like a crash course. Students can see successful people and learn from them how they reached that position through hard work, failures, patience, etc. from the beginning.
Among the people we interview, a large group are those who are studying hard for exams like MPSC and UPSC or are freshers. These exams are tough, and sometimes people spend 3 to 4 years preparing. But only a few (say 5%) get selected for government jobs, and almost 95% of candidates are now wondering what to do next.
Another group of people we interview are those who have studied even more after college, like post-graduation, or who have taken special computer courses. But sometimes, even with extra education, they’re not ready for basic jobs when they apply for them. It’s good to study more, but where and what you study are important. Going to a good college like the IITs or NITs may not be possible for all students.

Sometimes, people with only a few skills, like one small piece of software knowledge, end up doing simple jobs in big companies. In many outsourcing companies, clerical or machine-type work is expected of candidates. At the start, these candidates get good pay. But after a while, they don’t get paid much more, and if they want to change jobs, they don’t get it because they only know a few things or have a few skills. These people should place more emphasis in the beginning of their careers on basic concepts, practical application, and the overall knowledge required to become experts in their field to reach a successful and sustainable position in the long term.
To have a successful career, you should be good at what you study and know a lot about what you love. Also, you should know how to apply your knowledge in practice. This will help you grow in your career. In the first few years of your job, work at a place that matches what you’re good at, and you have a chance to get overall experience, not clerical experience. Working at the same place for 3–4 years will teach you a lot about your job. The things you learn during this time will guide your career. Get suggestions from the experts in the field.

Choosing a job that feels meaningful and enjoyable will lead to growth in your career and a happy work life. It’s important to start early and work comfortably, developing the basic foundation for a successful career journey. Note that a seed takes a lot of time and effort to become a tree and bear fruit. With patience and consistent efforts, fruits will automatically follow.
Looking at this kind of scenario in the industry, we have developed the “Initial Career Development Master Course in Structural Engineering” for Civil Engineers, where you will get the all-round knowledge required to become successful in a structural engineering career all over the world.
Anil Mahadik
Structural Consultant and Auditor
Chartered Engineer
Training Coach