Table of Contents
Structural engineering is an approximate science.
It has been seen that even practicing structural engineers are also finding difficulty in understanding structural behaviour and its consequences from analysis, design, drawing till site construction phase.
Most of the times the assumption part is missed during design of structure considering life cycle of the structure.

Skill set for civil engineers
Now a day’s structural engineers are using sophisticated softwares like ETABS, STAAD, RAM etc. While using those softwares they depend on software fully which may lead to blunders if the results are not verified by preliminary manual calculations and behaviour understanding.
In practice the problems are different and difficult to define. This requires overall structural understanding and critical thinking process.
Classical understanding to decide form, material and load path of structure is also required.
Understanding this requirement of structural engineers we have a knowledge sharing course which will help to bridge up the understanding gap.
I’m glad you highlighted that it is important for structural engineers to have an overall structural understanding and critical thinking process to be able to do the job they are required to do. Speaking of structural engineers, I need to find one soon since I am thinking of getting a mid-rise apartment complex built soon and I need to make sure the structure is safe. I’ll keep this in mind while I look for a structural engineer I can entrust the structural design of the project to soon.